I've been watching Paris Hilton's My New BFF show on MTV recently and if you haven't heard of this show, it's basically a show about her finding her potential BFF and eliminating all of the others in each episode. I think I kinda like such reality shows. You know? Like all the drama, the beautiful houses, the back stabbing, bitch slapping and stuffs. But probably also to kill time. If you're as bored as I am, you can watch the full episodes here if you want. CLICK. But some of the contestants really super wayang I tell you. If I had to lay a bet on who's gonna win? I'd probably say Laurenor Brittany. So yeah...
Is it even possible to find a BFF through a TV show?! Like quite stupid and lame right? I don't know...All those dating shows like A shot at Love and The Bachelor all didn't work out right? Don't know lahhh...To me,such shows are just so... unreal and fake lah. They are just acting this for the sake of the show...No wonder it's called DRAMA. But I like watching it lahh...HAHA. Paris is hot lor :) Crap. I'm typing in Singlish. I got to go sleep. It's like 408am. Nights!
@ 12:36 AM
Okay, so Saturday was fun! Have also uploaded a few of the pictures. Alot all unedited la okay(except for Yewmun's). Super lazy... Uhmm. First and foremost, I'm so so sorry Ammy and gang for not being able to have dinner and spending time with you all. I promise to make it up to you all some day okay? Sayang you all la okay? :)
And to those at the BBQ, thanks for making it all happen:) Special thanks to Wee Huat, YewMun, and Ben who practically cooked all the food for us, my lovely, adorable and uber high PING, and all the rest who came :) So... that night, some of us decided to go to Kbox(Marina Square) after the BBQ. Pictures with captions below yeah?
"Hello,my name is MARCUS. Nice to meet you. I am a coding pro btw! Hee."
ALAN. *tweezzeee*
Calista. *tweezzeee*
"Shit, I sense paparazzi...evade! "
YewMun is still busy peeling his prawn. Let's not disturb him.
Calista,Alan,Liang Dong,Benjy,Zheng Heng !
Later that night at Kbox...
Sweet hor?
Notice that the guy on the extreme right(Choun Meng) is sleeping when the rest of them are singing so super loudly? Zai lah.
And this is my beloved PING! <3 <3 (got alien behind us... -_-'')
Anyways, I should really learn to listen to more mandarin songs so that I can sing to the lyrics better and know what song to choose. Nb. I suck at kbox-ing lahhh. :( Totally no talent at all lor! Unlike my ping, who sings so beautifully! :)
Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ 12:19 AM
Uhmm, I think my friend Doris might some hidden fettishes/habits that she keeps mum about...Here's what she said. :/
I love everything that's old, - old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine[ 1 WEEK HOLI. YEAH] says (12:10 AM): if wan cycle must sae I love everything that's old, - old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine[ 1 WEEK HOLI. YEAH] says (12:10 AM): so i dun wear shirt
HAHAHA. Anyways, I'll be hoping that tomorrow would be and awesome day out with friends! Outing with E66Q-ians, BBQ (and probably party world)with W65B-ians. Sounds fun! Hope it goes well! If it does, be prepared to see some hot pictures soon! *spins around in chair* YAY!
If it's not, then too bad! :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 1:08 AM
Love The Noose and Michelle Chong. She acts so well and naturally lah. Funny shit. BORED.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 7:09 PM
DRAMA (Your Evil Soul)
I'm not going to pretend that nothing's happened ever since that day I opened my eyes and saw his horrible character hidden within. I hate everything he has done to mum, to me, and to my brother. Some memories are just so hard to erase and I can't pretend to love and appreciate his presence. Neither can I erase the fact that he's my father and I thank him for serving his responsibility of bringing me up partially.
Life's not always filled with cherries and butterflies. One day, I hope to think of him and be happy with myself for whatever decisions that I've made and that I'm finally free from all this shit. Sometimes, I wonder... Why am I the one suffering? Why can't I live the life of a kid of some fucking celebrity or be some socialitie or whatever rich ass kid. I really do wonder. Perhaps that's just the way my life's written and I just have to accept the fact that I'm only human and there's nothing I can do about it.
Being 18 isn't easy. To other teenagers out there, life's probably all about clubbing, drinking, smoking, and enjoying life trouble-free. But my life, isn't as well written as some lucky others,sadly. Last night, I finally realized that I have to step it up and be an adult who can take up responsibilities, and save the day. Well, my day, or my mum's day at least. I just feel so helpless sometimes. I don't want to be the one watching and not being able to do anything to help my poor mum. I want to help her in as many ways as I can. I just wish for me to be more wise and helpful.
As we all know, the economy is kinda going into deep shit right now. How many people have been retrenched thanks to the fucking economic crisis? It's predicted to worsen and life's probably going to get harder... I really pity mum for working and suffering so much for her children. Even to the extent of sacrificing her health, her wealth, and her future. Ever since the day I was born, I've added another load to her shoulders and I feel bad for it. Now that I'm 18, shouldn't I be helping her instead of giving her more problems? I used to just sit there and hope that things would just be okay soon. But I guess that that's not going to work. She's handling and facing all the fucking problems of our lives and I can't sit back and do nothing. I don't want to watch her suffer alone. I want to be the one who'd take the stab from that fucking man. I want to stand up for her. I want to protect her from the devils. I want to walk this road with her. I want to give her what she deserves. I want to see her smile. I want her to be free from all the shit. She doesn't deserve this. Not a single bit of this.
And that fucking man whom I strongly think don't deserve me calling "Dad", is going to squander her hard earned money on some fucking shares. Shares- just another meaning for gambling, causes families to be torn, futures to be destroyed, and lives to change. Say life is all about taking risks and falling down. My future, my brother's future, my mum's future,and even your own is all going to be at risk. And you are going to risk all that? I say, it's just plain greed. And what's worse, you're only being nice to her now because you want her money. Well, I've got a few suggestions for you if you're ever reading this. Why not "borrow" it from your dearly beloved sisters and nieces whom you treat so nicely? Probably even better than your wife and children. Why not sell all your property and get the dough immediately in which you can gamble it away and lose all of it. Why not ask your rich relatives for help? You're always asking money from mum when you have so many other alternatives and I fucking hate you for it! You never repent and whenever you lose money on shares, you fucking take it out on us. We don't deserve this. You do.
Seriously, what can I do? In a worse case scenario, she'll probably get hit by that man if she doesn't lend him the dough in full. If not, it'd probably be me who gets hit,in which I am willing to in exchange, for his bloody conscience. I wish I could squash him like an ant or just create a vortex to make him disappear from the surface of this bloody Earth but I can't. Tell me how am I supposed to deal with this. My brother's always being a fucking immature,ass hole and adding on to her stress and making me so mad. I hate him for doing this but I have to be tolerant. I have to.
I wish things turn out well. I really pray for things to turn out well... since I can't really do much to help because I'm so superbly stupid, I just hope that God will make me wiser and be a useful,better person, make that fucker come to his senses and stop gambling for good, treasure and appreciate his family with love and respect, awaken my annoying and irritating brother, and just stop giving my mum any more sufferings. She has suffered more than enough.
I'm so sorry for writing so much crap but I just wanted to type all this out and feel better. Call me a saddist or drama queen, but this is my life,for now. I know things will change for the better in due time... It will. If not, you'll probably see me in the papers soon, in which, is highly unlikely because I know life's exactly like a rollercoaster. When there's a up, there's a down, and when there's a down, a up is on the way. :) worry not for I am stronger than you think.
Thursday, October 16, 2008 @ 9:39 PM
I love this video lah. So funny! Esp the part where that Chantel Thomas starts talking. HAAA. :)
Sighs... Life's getting boring these days and I don't know what I should do to spice things up... :( School work's starting to pile up with all the stupid tests(yes,RP do have tests), projects, and all the ever boring lessons that end at 4 or so. Shit.I wish I had holidays for 5 years! :/
So, to kill my boredom, I've been watching a lot of dramas. Korean, English or whatever. Just to kill time. I know, what a coach potato yes? Aiyah, I don't know lah. Typing this shit just makes me feel even more bored and sleepy. Therefore, I'd probably do what I do best again... Leave this space to rot, and rot, and rot! :D
Sunday, October 05, 2008 @ 1:45 AM
Haha, I happen to stumble upon these funny pictures which are taken not so long ago in China during the Olympics. Who ever knew that the Olympics could be so gay funny. LOL.
Is this even water polo?
Haha, gotta loves this! LOL. BLUE: SAY IT! SAY IT! RED: *moannnnnn*
Sorry if it's porn-ish. But it's damn hilarious, no? :)
Friday, October 03, 2008 @ 5:46 AM
WAH, Mother pundeh. I can't fucking sleep lah! It's like 5.47am now and I'm supposed to be awake in about 20 mins time and prepare for school. But for people like me, I can't survive a day in school without sleep the whole day one lor. Sure die. Some more tomorrow's lesson sure end late. Aiyah, sorry lah friends, today bo bian one. Somemore my laptop still in hospital, later then can come home. So yah, might as well don't go. I think I better go and try sleeping now. Hopefully, I can get to sleep. :(
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 @ 2:45 AM
Had my first driving lesson today!!! YAY. :) Well, it's not exactly today though. It was yesterday. So, it was on the 30th of Sept 2008. It was fun! But I don't know why my legs were shaking like mad when I was driving... Especially my left leg. It just wouldn't behave lah! Maybe I was scared, low blood, or am a little physically handicapped? I don't know... Think there might be something wrong with me physically. :( (CHOY!Your head!)
Lesson wasn't stressful at all. I like it! Instructor's real funny and he keeps cracking jokes to make me laugh when I drive or when he is driving -.- If I langa sure must be his fault. Looking forward to the next lesson! Hope I won't stall the car again and no accidents ever, please! -_-''
Practically walked the whole of Raffles Place and Marina Square and part of Clarke Quay/Esplanade with Mr Peng today please... wanted to go see bags but walked around aimlessly and in the end decided to go watch movie. Caught Vicky Cristina Barcelona and hmmm, wasn't that FANTASTIC... would probably give it a 3.5 out of 5 popcorns. Didn't know why is it rated M18 when there's no nothing! -_-'' stupid ratings.
Wah, tired... Eyes closing as I type this...So, I'm just gonna go off now. Goodnight everybody. Oh yes, and SELAMAT HARI RAYA to my Muslim friends! Enjoy! :)