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![]() Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 10:28 PM
So cool! Looks awesome with such unison no? ![]() Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 1:41 AM
WAH KNNBCCB &*^ $%#@ ^%$$&*%$$. My bloody fucking laptop died all of a bloody sudden. FUCK!!! I think today is superbly not my day can. I went to my Primary 6 class gathering cum bbq and only to come back with my darn emo-tic com dying on me. Then I thought all it needed was to restart and just leave it to do its own thing and when I come back from my bath, it would be okay. So, I went to bathe lah. And since I came back with my WHITE bag stained from the BBQ, I decided to wash it. And when I was washing it, my brand new 16GB thumbdrive was inside my bag all along and I didn't even know. Obviously, it became wet and spoilt as a result lah. How unlucky is that! Fuck man. Super suay like banana please. $50 just flew away like that. sighs! Best lah, some more school is reopening tomorrow and what am I supposed to do without a laptop in RP huh? Buy a brand new one without configuring to RP's domain? Aiyah I donno lah. Die lah. Die lah. Never been so suay in my life. Hate myself for being so suay today. Fuck! Forget it. I think it'd just blog about happier things... :( Okay, anyway... I had a meet up session with my primary school classmates today and it was awesome! :) It has been like 6-7 years since we last met and when you finally get to see people you haven't met for this long, it can be quite surprising and shocking to see someone who was a dwarf in your memory transform into a Yao Ming. I mean... physical changes can be quite drastic in some people and in some, they can seem to remain totally unchanged. HAHA. And since I have mild amnesia problem, I need to take some time to try to remember who people are and try to match them to their names. And sometimes, I can only remember a certain memory of that person. :( How sad. But anyhow, it's nice to see them after such a long time. Even though it was not full attendance and even though not everyone stayed for long, I think that the meet up was great. Pretty successful I should say. Thanks Irene for planning this and making it happen! :) Looking forward to our outing again in 2 months time. Haaa. Left to right: Kavita, Melissa,Vanessa,Hidayah,Carrie,Irene,Xiao Jun, Eugenia, and me. In the pic: Newman, Qun Da, Irene, Xiao Jun, Eugenia, Vanessa, Carrie, Kenny,Jonathan,Roger,Sukardi,Hidayah,Melissa,Lester,Yuan Hang,Xin Rui,Yunos ![]() Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 11:57 PM
Uhmmm. I know I still owe this space an update on my trip but since ammy has already done the job of blogging, you can go to her blog and read all about our awesome trip if you want lah okay? Heeee. Sorry but I'm just an lazy ass. Anyway, when I was having my 1st driving lesson last week (after flunking my tp), my instructor went... Instructor:"Eh MJ, ni you ang gong ah?" ( you got tattoo ah?) ME: "Uhhh... Yah. very long ago already" Instructor: "Orh! Duo shao?" (how much?) ME: "50 kua" (50 dollars) Instructor: "Wah! Ji shi zuo de?" (when was it done?) ME: "Hen jiu le leh. 2-3 nian qian?" (very long already...about 2-3 years ago?) Instructor: "Orh... hao mah? nah ge ren zuo de mei mah? Wo you wen kuo ni mah? " (good anot? does the person do it well?have i asked about your tattoo before?") ME: "uhmmm. you. ok lor..." (got.okay lor) Cute lah he. He's always asking me the same questions over and over again. I don't blame him lah. Since he got so many students. If it was me, I would probably have trouble remembering names. Then when I was practising my Anyway, as I was saying, I never regretted getting my tattoo up till today. (wonder how vivian is feeling about hers.hmmmm) ![]() On another note,have you all ever felt or feel like your laptop is capable of making time pass faster than you know it? I don't know...or is it just me? Aiyah, nvm. Oh yeah, and today, when we were supposed to meet our advisor at 130pm today, he ffk-ed(fong fei gei/fly us aeroplane/pang seh-ed) and only told us at 11plus am that he was on MC. -__-' And he left us hanging in the air not knowing what to do or how to start on our super irritating+difficult+time consuming+stressful+must-beg-haja project. ARGH. *angry* Somemore RP where got such thing as MC? Only got X lor. Got MC also will get marked as absent. Stupid lah hiyah. But luckily, being such studious and diligent students of rp, we did our work on our own and planned our projects. Why are you sniggering? We are okay?! You see... uhmm.sorry...i had pictures to show. but my phone wouldnt let me transfer. so yeah, forget it -.- I'm feeling sleepy already. Imma go watch csi or some movies and then sleep. Awaiting my primary school gathering tomorrow and outing with the bitches on Sunday. Hope all goes well. :) ![]() Saturday, April 11, 2009 @ 9:27 PM
HELLO HUMANS! I'm back from my trip to BALI! Whoah, I tell you, they have the nicest sand, the nicest beach, the nicest sunrise and sunsets, good and cheap seafood, nice and friendly people, and life there is just so...nice! I wish my stay there was longer. I cannot have enough of BALI and I love it there! For those who haven't been to Bali, you should visit that beautiful place. Strongly recommended for ultimate relaxation retreat. It's my first time there and thank god ammy was there to help be our translator throughout our trip. Terima kasih ammy! :D Actually, I was back on the 9th but I'm sorry for the late post because we all fell into a "coma" right after we came back from the airport. The effects still hasn't gone away because it's 10pm and I'm already feeling so sleepy. I know I know, you want pictures right?! Okay, be patient and it will come. MUAHAHA. :) I'd probably update tomorrow or the day after. Sorry but I'm so sleepy. I'm the owner of this blog okay! I will decide when I want to post pictures! -_-' ![]() Friday, April 03, 2009 @ 1:29 AM
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