Hi! WASSSSUUPPP! :) How are you guys doing?! HEHE. Don't you guys love me? I'm actually updating! :P
Well, it's almost my 3rd week here and I'm loving it :) the place is beautiful, weather is awesome, but it can get a little dry though, people are nice, school's good. Gahhh. Love it! :)
I just had my first psychology tutorial earlier today and it went pretty well I guess. My tutor's real pretty btw! HAHAHA. Ohh yes, and I'm lucky enough to meet some new friends from Singapore as well. There's this guy I met from orientation, and we would always ogle at hot guys whenever we are together. Haha. It's pretty fun actually! Like I finally have a gay friend? I've always wanted one!
Ohh and btw, I feel that I'm a little weird when I'm around people here. You don't usually get greetings like "HI! HOW ARE YOU?!" with a big warm smile and an extremely happy tone in Singapore right? But that's what you get here! A big, warm Aussie greeting! Love it. Even got a hug from this lady whom I've never met before (well, we actually communicated through email bout the hostel vacancy and she works there) Wasn't expecting that but I felt warm and welcomed after that. We should be more expressive in SG shouldn't we?! I mean in a good way obviously!
And being a minority here in Perth, I kinda feel a little uneasy sometimes because I feel like a black sheep? Maybe it's just me thinking too much but yeah, I'm still not used to being around such large groups of people who are of a different race as me. Hmmmm.
And apart from doing Psychology, I'm also doing Professional Writing. Gahhhh... And I have to say, my standard and command of English is not good. Compared with the other students in the class. I really have to brush up on my English and start reading more...
Ohhhhh! Did I mention? I'm moving into a hostel this coming Sunday. YAY! But it's more expensive that what I'm paying for right now... Well, I guess we can't always have everything,right? Ok...
I can't believe I'm doing communication studies. I'm so shy! Seriously! I am! Especially first meetings. Don't you just hate awkward situations?!
And last but not least, I just want to say a big big big thank you to those who came to the airport that night. I love you guys! :) Thanks a heap! <3