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Tuesday, August 03, 2010 @ 2:51 PM

Hi! WASSSSUUPPP! :) How are you guys doing?! HEHE. Don't you guys love me? I'm actually updating! :P

Well, it's almost my 3rd week here and I'm loving it :) the place is beautiful, weather is awesome, but it can get a little dry though, people are nice, school's good. Gahhh. Love it! :)

I just had my first psychology tutorial earlier today and it went pretty well I guess. My tutor's real pretty btw! HAHAHA. Ohh yes, and I'm lucky enough to meet some new friends from Singapore as well. There's this guy I met from orientation, and we would always ogle at hot guys whenever we are together. Haha. It's pretty fun actually! Like I finally have a gay friend? I've always wanted one!

Ohh and btw, I feel that I'm a little weird when I'm around people here. You don't usually get greetings like "HI! HOW ARE YOU?!" with a big warm smile and an extremely happy tone in Singapore right? But that's what you get here! A big, warm Aussie greeting! Love it. Even got a hug from this lady whom I've never met before (well, we actually communicated through email bout the hostel vacancy and she works there) Wasn't expecting that but I felt warm and welcomed after that. We should be more expressive in SG shouldn't we?! I mean in a good way obviously!

And being a minority here in Perth, I kinda feel a little uneasy sometimes because I feel like a black sheep? Maybe it's just me thinking too much but yeah, I'm still not used to being around such large groups of people who are of a different race as me. Hmmmm.

And apart from doing Psychology, I'm also doing Professional Writing. Gahhhh... And I have to say, my standard and command of English is not good. Compared with the other students in the class. I really have to brush up on my English and start reading more...

Ohhhhh! Did I mention? I'm moving into a hostel this coming Sunday. YAY! But it's more expensive that what I'm paying for right now... Well, I guess we can't always have everything,right? Ok...

I can't believe I'm doing communication studies. I'm so shy! Seriously! I am! Especially first meetings. Don't you just hate awkward situations?!

And last but not least, I just want to say a big big big thank you to those who came to the airport that night. I love you guys! :) Thanks a heap! <3

Friday, July 09, 2010 @ 12:53 PM
Leaving On A Jet plane

I can't believe I'm actually ♪leaving on a jet plane♪ this coming Friday. Speaking of which, it's gonna be my last Friday evening in Singapore. Sigh... feeling bittersweet about it.

It's time like these where I get to experience life. Closing a door and opening another. I can just picture me reuniting with my books and stationary. I kinda feel motivated to study! But being totally new and foreign to the university life in Australia, I really don't know what I might get myself into. Nothing bad I hope.

Anyway, as you all know, I'm someone who would treasure my friends. (OI! Puke what puke! It's true ok!)
Being away from home for 2.5 years might not be easy. And I really hope to take this time to catch up and say goodbye to my closer friends. Even if we seldom or hardly ever contact in the pass years, I hope it wouldn't be awkward to have a chat over coffee or something. I just feel that it's important to keep in touch once in awhile. Agreed? :)

I would be leaving Singapore next Friday morning. So farewell friends! :) If I do get internet access over in Australia, I would keep you all updated ok? You know I'm gonna miss you all. xoxo~

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 3:25 AM

Note to self:

You should really start blogging properly. You know, like updates/happenings today/the week/month etc etc. With pictures, captions and stuffs like that.


Yeah.... Give me a chance! I'm trying! It's hard having to update! *Yawwwwnn*

@ 2:37 AM

Hi! (to my non existent and imaginary readers) How are you guys doing?! Good I suppose? Well, if "YOU" do actually exist and actually reading this,other than myself, hello to you too! :)

Well, I wanted to make it a point to update this space right here more frequently. And since I'm so bloody free right now, I can! :) But be warned, Miss Chen is gonna conduct a series of life lessons. Are you ready?

Read at your own discretion:

Lesson 1: What is Life?

What's life in your definition? Success? Fun? Friends? Money? Luxuries? Hot bodied chics with big booties? Hmmm, no matter what it is, I guess we all have different expectations of life. Agree?

Children dying from aids/hunger/malaria would be more than contented with simple meals,water, and a roof over their heads. But here we are, wanting more of what we do not NEED.

Forgive me for gaining such "enlightenment" so suddenly but I'm a weirdo like that. Most of the time, when I'm in the showers, thoughts like these intrude my mind and I can't help but start wondering/thinking.

I like it that I'm actually thinking about the purpose/importance of life. Yes, I do scare and surprise myself like that. I would go :" Whoah! Where did that come from?!" Seriously, I'm not as air headed as you think I am ok! I do have a brain! HMPH!

Okay anyway, I have this classmate back from primary school. Recently, he has been chatting me up on MSN telling me quite a bit about his life.So now, after 10 years, he has had a car and he's going to get a beach-side apartment in Australia. All with his own income! He is 20! Look at where he is now! Gawd, it's times like this that I feel so inferior :( Most of my friends are financially independent and many a way, successful. But me, I have nothing to brag about. Nothing at all. Except that uhhh, I have a dysfunctional family?

I have big dreams. We all do. And the point is, we cannot live in dreams. We have to act on it and make it a reality-and as we all we know it : A DREAM COME TRUE. I know this sounds so super cheezey and it isn't easy to put it into action.

I love writing such long blog posts knowing that nobody would actually be interested in the content of this post. I just felt like taking these thoughts bundled in my head out here. I just didn't want these thoughts to go to waste. You know, like a reminder to myself. But being me, I might just go "ahhh, fuck it" and chuck this "temporary wisdom" into a section of my brain which would be left untouched for a long time.

So did you get the purpose of this post? I could go on and on about my thoughts right now. But that's not the point. I just wanted to emphasize that we should priortize and as I've said earlier in my post, all we need to be is to be contented. People feel miserable because of greed, wants, and jealousy. GET THE MESSAGE YOU BITCHES?!!! *hehe*

I should really stop now right? Alright. That's all for today's life lesson period. But I would continue my life lessons soon! Stay tuned okay?! :D Ohh and btw, my wisdom teeth are growing... it's no wonder why I've become wiser! :)

Have a nice day ya'll!

Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 5:20 PM

Sunday, June 13, 2010 @ 7:16 AM

How do you like my new skin?! Got kinda bored of the black and white layout. Looked so plain and unattractive no?

I can't sleep... It's almost 720am. Damn. I hate insomnia! :(

@ 3:30 AM

HI! I took this quiz today to help me find out what course I should take and what I should do in future. I know it may sound funny and stupid taking such a quiz but I need every thing that can help me make a good decision. No matter how small, or ridiculous it may be.

This quiz is based on personality and here are my results! Not that you wanna know but I just wanna share! Click on the pictures if you want to know. Pffft.

Click here if you wanna try it out!

Oh yes, and I just myself a super sexy Macbook Pro (15' inch) yesterday at the PC show. Here's a pic with mel(finally met up after 23413274723 years!) and my baby!

SEXY NO?!!! ^____^ Totally loving it! Have to get used to the OS though.

OK BYE. Shall be back soon! :)

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@ 3:11 AM
Update of my life.

Hi. Um, I know I haven't been keeping this place updated and only popping by once in a rainbow moon. But here I am for a short update... (even though there's like -313132353 readers here right now)

Well, my life is gonna change (A LOT) these few months/weeks. I either have to go to school again or start working full time. That is a major change in life ain't it? It's a pretty hard choice to make between the two because it pretty much decides my future. I guess I prefer taking one step at a time, but that's not a good thing at all. Why? Because I don't have a direction to move towards. A target, a goal, a destination. I really envy people who already have plans and aims in their life.

So, getting back to topic, I have been applying for undergraduate courses recently. Problem is: I don't know which course is better suited for me. Mass Communications or Business. People say interest plays a very important factor to consider when making a decision. But I say, being practical is equally important. Don't you agree? Besides, would mass communications suit me? And also, it's gonna be very tough and competitive to make it big in Singapore with a mass communication degree since the media industry here is so small.

Anyway, I've been accepted to the business courses I applied at Monash and University of Western Australia!!

*Wait, this means I am accepted right?!*

Opps sorry, I forgot that if I were to continue studying, it's most probably going to be in Australia because obviously, the local universities here wouldn't want me...Even if I had a 3.3 GPA. Which I do not have. :(

***I should stop all these stupid ranting entries and start writing proper and daily blog journals. I feel like I'm talking to myself right now ***

Ok, let's start over. I shall begin with a brand new entry. Please just ignore this! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 12:09 AM


WARNING: Tons of ranting ahead... ignore this post if you do not wish to hear my shit. Thanks!

**Start of rant... **

Okay, look... I am practically at the crossroads right now... and I really don't know which way to go :( To the left, I see: "Further your damn education,you bitch" and to the right-"Get a Job you lazy asswipe!" I wish there was another route for me to take but sadly, I don't see it.

All my other friends are either working or continuing their studies at local universities. But me, I'm lost. Completely lost. I have no directions/goals in life or whatsoever. I don't even know what my purpose in life is or what I want to do in future. All I have are probable visions of fantasies or dreams that would never come true... :(

Anyway, if I were to go overseas and get a degree, would that guarantee a good future ahead of me? NO! Okay, how about if I started working my ass off right now on some stupid job that I most probably hate and be a slave for? Would I be better off that way? Since I can earn some cash to help support my fat ass instead of spending tons of money on some paper qualification....

I don't know... I wish someone told me what to do. Some help/advice would be greatly appreciated since I have a habit of not making the right choice all the time! And it's always too late to regret. Man, I hate me. TT-TT


Sunday, April 18, 2010 @ 3:38 PM

HI!!! *waves wildly*

I know my last post was dated some time back. (OMG! It's exactly half a year from my last post!) Now I'm here to do a little update since I've got nothing better to do. :) Well, quite a lot happened during the period I went missing from here.

First, I've graduated from Poly! FINALLY! No more waking up at 7ams and taking the damn 161 bus. But I kinda miss life in school. Friends especially.

Time kinda flies when you think about it. Now, I don't really know what to do. Study? Work? I think I kinda prefer the latter. I'm in no mood to continue studying for now. (imagine if I wanted to continue with my studies after working for a few years...pffft!) So yeah, I'm gonna find myself a job and earn some moolah soon!

Since I've graduated, the most natural thing to do is to go on a graduation trip right? RIGHT! And I went to Taiwan! Pictures are up on Facebook if you're interested. It has been one hell of an experience. <3 the weather and people there. Smelly tofu smells like crap please! If you have no idea how it smells like, it kinda smells like socks soaked in rainwater + major sewage + cow dung + BO + used pads + alot of other smelly things. SUFFOCATING!

I think I should do a more detailed version of my vacation instead of such a brief one. Not shiok. Okay, when I find the time, I will!


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